Sunday, October 31, 2010

Flowerless Chocolate Cake

Sara's flowerless chocolate cake, who ever thinks it isn't possible to make good gluten free eats has to try this. It actually tasted just like the torte they serve at the Monkland Tavern. I definitely need to get my hands on some raspberry coulis to go with this cake.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Organic beef ribs and Sara's family's secret sauce can't even remember what we ate with them that night, the ribs really stole show.

Pumpkin Pie Face

Nothing too special about these babies, pumpkin pie mush and some store bought tart shells. The thing that took them to the next level was the homemade rum raisins and maple whipped cream on top. The rum raisins are so easy: jar+rum+raisins. Add them to cookies, whatever, always takes it up a notch.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Mochi is a fun little snack to make, at least the way we did it. It comes in a hard solid brick that you cut or rip apart. It's made from pounded rice and puffs up and gets crunchy when you bake it. We ate it with coriander chutney, some chile and soya sauce. You can buy this stuff in most health food stores.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Floss Everyday

Being the white half of a "mixed relationship" means you occasionally or often get to cross cultural lines and experience the deliciousness that comes from exotic places. Sara's family is just as Canadian as the next person if not more immigrating from Malaysia about 30 years ago. Every year her mom takes a trip back to visit family and this year brought me a sweet pair of counterfeit Ray-Bans and a scrumptious little treasure called pork floss. It's a perfect balance of sweet and salty. I ate it, the whole jar as was but my google search seems to indicate it's pretty popular on toast or cooked into noodle dishes and spring rolls. After you get over the WTF factor it's a pretty tasty snack and you'll enjoy flossing with this stuff everyday.

Fruits of the Harvest

I may make myself sound like a no-lifer but one of the highlights of late September and October was heading north on 14th Ave up to the Cameron orchard. Not really an orchard but a Saskatoon berry and apple tree in Gordon and Penny's (Sara's dad & mom's) yard. In exchange for a little help picking fruit and cleaning up the yard we were greased with enough apples and berries to keep us well nourished in the crumble and apple sauce universe. Sara's gluten free apple Saskatoon berry crumble is amazing and I have been named the apple sauce king of the household.

Shrimp and Fennel Linguini

We had Sara's parents over for dinner and I decided to make one of my favourite flavour combinations, shrimp and fennel. Usually I'd flambé the shrimp in Sambuca but this time didn't think it would go over well with her mom and dad. The fresh linguini was a little starchy, but all the other ingredients were fantastic and I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed it or at least pretended to like it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Niagara on the Lake

If your love food and wine and have never been, time to start thinking about it. In August Sara and I took a vacation to Ontario and spent a couple of days in Niagara on the Lake. Besides the grimy tourist trap of Niagara Falls, Niagara on the lake is an experience not to be missed.

Fresh road side pie for breakfast.
It was easy to fill this case. The wine tour was a lot of fun, make sure to take a DD.
One of the awesome things we ate, organic beef burger with some good old Canadian back bacon, the fries were fries. It was hot that day.

You're Baking Me Crazy!

There's nothing like taking those pasta shells and stuffing them with cheese, bacon, mushrooms, and more cheese, covering them with sauce and baking them. The presentation on this one is pretty rough but it was a super delicious meal.

Back and Hungrier Than Ever

It's been a few months since we've posted, our apologies to our fans. We've been cooking up a storm and will make sure to be more punctual and current with our postings. To get things rolling again, here are a couple of picks of a crumble pie I made, surely will wet the palate. It's good to be back - Andrew